All Killer No Filler オーストラリア発のカスタムカルチャーマガジン、TCB。毎号、オーストラリアとニュージーランドのホットロッド、チョッパー、タトゥー、ピンナップガールを掲載。魅惑的なTCBピンナップガールズは皆オーストラリア人のみを起用するこだわりぶり。車、バイク、ピンナップ等全ての写真はフォトグラファーでもあるMatt自身によるもの。年4回発行です
The magazine takes shape in a handy A5 format and is printed on premium quality stock. Every glossy issue features a collection of rods, bikes, pin-ups and artists from around Australia and New Zealand. The main emphasis at TCB is rods and bikes that people own, build and ride. You won't find any big-budget builds here. Just as alluring are the lovely TCB pin-ups, who are all Australian gals (keep an eye out at your local rod or tattoo show).
as always!! we went to the ramen restaurant "Yushima Ramen" aka Chopper Ramen and the shoe repair & custom shop "Hukurokuju" in the downtown in tokyo on the next day of the show.